Friday, April 21, 2006

Hairy Tales and Nursery Grime

It is I'm indicative of an arty brain when in the time it takes for the sign in page to refresh to this writing_your_blog page I have considered two meaty subjects already:

1 - I love my iPod - it is so swish. It also has a lovely new coat which I bought for it. See through and well'ard. Tehnology and beauty mated and 5G iPod was created!
2 - My hair is far too long hair....mmmmph


Matt White threatened me the other day. I work with Matt - he is a fine colleague to work with...fantastic sense of humour, kind and generous to the extreme and, so I thought, a man of God... that is until he threatened me the other day. He said that I am very likely to have my blog link removed from his blogpage list because of inactivity. Which is fair enough - but why do it so violently? Why not, over a sugary tea and some chocolate hobnobs, gentle caress the subject round to support me and strengthen me in my lack of blog-ness?

Hmph *cough* (That's the hair again - urgh, it's getting caught in my fingers..dsahionlvknxzcjkv vdnsuvisv...


Anonymous said...

Post a photo of your excessively long hair so that those of us that are miles away can share in the hilarity too...!

ginger luke said...

in all fairness, you should blog more often!

Anonymous said...

mr white also threatened me with this action,i believe this to be uncaring and un DYO like and therfore would like to start a campaign to have him removed as dyo of LNE Division and be replaced by his far more attractive and talented younger brother Simon.

Matt Leeder said...

TO LUKE: Yeah, I should blog more often. I do intend to try and make it a habit...

TO ANON: I'm sorry you feel that way - I couldn't possibly reveal my opinion on the matter...