Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Back in action

I've felt it bubbling for some time now. That feeling that there's something missing in my life; that whale sized hole in my soul that tells me somethings wrong. And then I saw the light. I've realised that it's time to write my blog again! Time to return to the fray. Time to embrace the mind numbing twitterings of a million would-be poets.

I do realise that I haven't written for ages. If you were an avid Matt reader (for all 6 episodes!) then I do apologise - but most probably I'm writing to myself so no worries there then.

The last few months have been absolutely manic. Manic for the band: we've done loads of gigs and events; we've signed a record deal with ICC records; we've nearly sold out of CDs; and we're recording a new album in Oct/Nov. Manic for me: I've moved house (to the beautiful Essex!); I've started a new job (At London NE DHQ of the Salvation Army); I've had my car written off again and I celebrated my 26th yesterday. Old man Matt!

I'll leave it there and come back with something a bit more in depth one day soon. Have fun!

1 comment:

Phil said...

I actually stopped checking your blog for a while. It wasn't good for me to keep getting my hopes up high every day just to be let down when I clicked over to Matt Pie.

Something made me click here today and I'm glad I caught a little slice of the aura that is Matt.