Thursday, June 14, 2007

I love ... mac

I have come over to the side of good. I am no longer held captive by the manacles of monopoly. I have been released into a world of beauty and small, white, plastic boxes. I am the proud owner of a MacBook.

I love it. It is the single most beautiful thing in my life (apart from Chell of course). It can do everything. Apart from operating my washing machine (although I've emailed Steve Jobs with a few ideas) it can do pretty much everything else.

And this is my first blog on my mac - during which I am happily having a video chat with Lard, JMoney and Irish boy. This is the coolest thing ever. I will try not to blog too much about my mac but I feel it is certainly worthy of at least one post.

Anyway, that's enough today. I aso did a VERY cool thing today but I won't blog about it until I have the photos from Will and Debbie. I'll blog about today in a week therefore. Sorry that's confusing.


Andy said...

I look forward to fully utilising the wonders of my Mac when we move and ACTUALLY FINALLY GET A WORKING BROADBAND CONNECTION!!!

But I too have developed an undying love for it. Mac so purty...

Unknown said...

I'm so happy for you. I use one at work. It's a real beaut. I'm going to miss it in a couple of weeks when I change jobs and am back a drag and dropless world again.

Phil said...

welcome to the light.

Laura Mitson said...

It's a joy to have you in our lounge via your beautiful Mac!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Matt, sorry we couldn't get iChat to work last night - must try again soon. Will look out for you online.