Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Chris Spring Gig - Leicester Sqr - 29th June

If you can make it it would be great to see you at the Chris Spring gig tomorrow night. As I've blogged before (Thurs May 11th) Chris Spring is a genius singer / songwriter. If you managed to make it to the engagement party then it's likely you will have Chris perform a few of his songs there.

Well, this is your chance to hear him play his songs with a full band (featuring Electralyte's very own awesome drum meister - big Jon Mitson)

Just print out the ticket below and you'll get in for £5 instead of £6! I look forward to seeing you there...

1 comment:

Matt Leeder said...

Slightly ironically I couldn't make it to the gig in the end... really sorry Chris!

If you went why not leave a comment to let us all know how it went? :D