Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I've got a brand new combine harvester!

Well, not quite but I am very very excited at the moment cos I've got a brand new computer and I'm very pleased with it! Chell keeps calling me a 'pointy head' but i don't mind really cos I am a bit of a geek - and it's flash.

We played a phat gig last night - at a Student Union bar in St Georges Hospital Medical School (Or summit like that - the name was long anyhew). There were two other bands on the bill - the CU band from the college and a band called Note For A Child - who are signed to Ebb&Flow (Another one of the ICC subsidiary brands). Note For A Child are great - haven't heard much like them before in Christian music - some really nice beats and ambience all round. Good job - I bought their albums; always good to show support with the reddies.

Electralyte go into the studio next week. It hasn't quite dawned on me fully just yet but this could be the start of a significant next chapter in my life - really can't wait to get my hands onto my geetar and start strumming some tunes onto tape. I'm really hopin' that this stuff is good and that we're not gonna be disappointed with our performance. I don't think that'll happen though...

We're looking to have strings and brass on the album so I'm kinda looking forward to that - in an intrigued way. Never done 'owt with proper bo strings before!

Now off to kicks Mitson's butt on a game of Day of Defeat! Booyakasha! Bomballareena! Ciao!


Carl said...

All the best with recording - I look forward to hearing the album.

Simon said...

looking forward to hearing the album stuff - i'm still hoping to come down to the studio one day next week, have to ask the boss for time off.

note for a child - Jo and I were at the same church as those guys in Cambridge