Friday, May 12, 2006

The rains came down and the floods went whoosh

Chell and I have decided to do 'cover to cover' which is a bible study book which, if you follow it carefully, will guide you through the bible chronologically in a year. You're meant to start on January 1st, but we - being oh so original and clever - decided to start on May 9th...for no particular reason...other than it was there.

Now, as 'cover to cover' is a chronological study guide you're forever hopping around the the bible - so, in a few days, we'll be reading 'Job' (which is quite a few books in) - but apparently it all makes sense. Something about 'Job' being the oldest story in the bible or something...

Last night we read the story of Noah. This story is a story we all know pretty well, but have you read it recently - without the aid of a sunday school teacher? It is bizarre. There's a few things I could talk about but the main one is this: Noah was over 500 years old when God commanded him to build the ark! How he managed to even get out of bed that day, let alone lift a hammer to strike the first nail into the hull is beyond me.

If anyone has got any light to shed on this (humourous or knowledgeable - I'm happy with either) then please do let me know...but don't get me started on dimesions and woodlice...


Glyn Harries said...

It makes you wander what Noah was doing during that first 500 years of his life.

Um... I'm afraid I don't have any suggestions though.

But still - makes you think...

(I believe I found a good middle ground there in being neither humourous NOR knowledgable)

Anonymous said...

QED, Glynman, QED...

Will said...

Evil fish?